Saturday, August 25, 2007

8 weeks

8 weeks
Starting Weight: 155
Weight: 151
Waist @ bellybutton: 31"

Here is my baseline picture at 8 weeks:
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Here is the baby at 8 weeks:
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I just found out that I'm pregnant! I had been waking up in the middle of the night for about a week on and off to use the bathroom, which I thought was a little strange. In fact, I can't remember ever getting up in the middle of the night in my entire life. Since I was extremely irregular and didn't even think I had ovulated once in the last 6 months, I didn't connect the dots. Rob and I had just started an exercise program, so I was on the treadmill a lot. One day I started jogging and actually had to stop because my sports bra just wasn't cutting it, if you know what I mean. :) I still really didn't think it was even possible for me to be pregnant, so I still didn't put it together, but there was an inkling in the back of my head. On August 20, 2007, I decided to take a pregnancy test before work, just to get it out of my head that I could be pregnant. I fully expected a negative, so when it came back positive, I was in complete shock! I really just stood there and stared and then read the directions a few times, because I was sure that I was reading it wrong. Then I called Rob into the bathroom and asked him if he was seeing what I saw. We basically both stood there saying 'Oh my God!' It was really exciting.

I then proceded to take 3 tests over 3 days, just to make sure. I still wasn't completely convinced, but on Friday the 24th when my doctor called me back with the blood test results, I finally believed that I was actually pregnant!! My due date is April 9th 2008.

My new blog!

So I've decided to create a blog so that I can record my pregnancy and not forget anything. Due to 'pregnancy brain', I tend to forget things on a regular basis, so I'm hoping that I can keep a good record and look back on this time in the future.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Vegas Pics

Here are some of my pics from the Vegas trip.

In front of the Bellagio fountains:
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Bellagio botanical gardens:
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Going out on Rob's birthday (check out the belly!):
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The guys:
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The girls:
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Rob & Jeremy 10 minutes after Rob turned 30!:
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My Birth Plan

-Please perform no routine prepatory tasks (shaving, enema, etc.), unless requested.
-I expect that doctors and hospital staff will discuss all procedures with me before they are performed.
-I prefer to eat and drink throughout labor, as desired.
-Please do not administer an IV or heparin lock unless there is a clear medical indication that such is necessary.
-As long as the baby and I are healthy, I do not want to discuss induction prior to 42 weeks. If medically necessary, I would like to try alternative means of labor augmentation, like walking or breast stimulation, before pitocin or other drugs are used.
-As long as the baby is doing well, I prefer that fetal heart tones be monitored intermittently with an external monitor or doppler, even if the membranes have ruptured.
-I would like a quiet, soothing environment during labor, with dim lights and minimal interruptions.
-I wish to labor freely in the birthing tub or shower.
-I would like to avoid all narcotics and anesthesia.

-I wish to deliver in the birthing tub
-I feel very strongly that I would like to avoid a cesarean delivery.
-I prefer not to have an episiotomy.
-I prefer not to have forceps or a vacuum used.
-I would like the freedom to push and deliver in any position I like.

Newborn Care
-Please place the baby on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.
-Please allow the umbilical cord to stop pulsating before it is cut.
-I prefer to wait for spontaneous delivery of the placenta and do not want a routine injection of pitocin.
-If the baby must go to the nursery for evaluation or medical treatment, Rob will accompany the baby at all times.
-I would like to waive the administration of eye antibiotics.
-I would like to waive the administration of routine Vitamin K.
-I would like to waive the administration of the Hepatitis vaccine.

-I would like to have the baby room-in with me at all times.
-I plan to breastfeed and want to nurse immediately following the birth.

Photos by Jen

Here are some of my favorite photographs...

Big Sur:
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